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Making it Count: 99% Inventory Accuracy Achieved with Cycle Counters
An AIS case study on implementing a warehouse inventory management program using cycle counters, resulting in better accuracy and marginal profit loss.
Revved Up Distribution Center Staffing
Partnering with a workforce engagement manager and warehouse staffing experts helped this company rev up their distribution center operations.
Warehouse Inventory: An Accuracy Success Story
Here’s how cycle counting helped an online distribution center increase accuracy to 99.8%, save money, and better manage their inventory program.
A Little Flexibility in the Workplace Leads to a Lot More Productivity
From hourly warehouse workers to entry-level and higher-skilled manufacturing roles, creating a flexible workforce is possible and beneficial. Here’s how.
Low Wages Equal Low Quality
Paying manufacturing and logistics workers low wages has a negative impact on business. Investing in your talent will result in quality, every time.
OSHA’s 2022 Top Ten
These are OSHA’s Top Ten most frequently cited violations of the year. While not all items identified in the list might apply to your industry or facility, now is a great time to start planning how to improve, update, and even install new processes, plans, and equipment.