Is part-time employment the solution to filling your manufacturing staffing gaps and navigating generational differences in your workforce?
Employer Insights
Six Ways The Board Game Monopoly is Great Training for a Business Career
Whether you’re overseeing a production line, managing a distribution center, or mastering a craft in skilled manufacturing, the strategic decisions you make often mirror the game of Monopoly.
From Day One to Day Won: Creating A Great First Day For Temporary Workers
Less herding cats, more high-fives. If you use staffing agencies to scale your workforce, here’s how to onboard temporary employees for a great first day. Plus a new-hire checklist free download.
Employers Face Challenge Of Workers Opting For Unemployment
After months of being laid off, many furloughed employees find themselves saying, “I don’t want to come back to work.” “I want to stay on unemployment.” Months ago this statement would be shocking...
How to Successfully Staff Your Warehouse Jobs
If you’re in the manufacturing industry, you already know that there always seems to be a need for more warehouse workers. In this industry, the cost of employee turnover can be high and it also hurts the morale of your workforce. Employee retention is indeed important, but what can you do even earlier on in your process that can help you avoid employee turnover?
How Self-Driving Vehicles Can Change Manufacturing
It’s 2018, and self-driving cars seem to be right on the horizon. Car manufacturers like VW and Tesla have advanced plans and prototypes for self-driving vehicles, and many other car manufacturers...
Drones: The future of warehouse innovation?
There was a time when, if someone mentioned a drone, your mind automatically went to “war weapon.” That particular word association has changed within the past couple years. These tiny aircrafts are now available for purchase by the average person and could soon be used to assist us in the warehouse.
Benefits of Video Job Descriptions: A 2018 Trend
One recruitment trend that is already taking off, but sure to boom in 2018, is the concept of video job descriptions. It can be difficult for job seekers to get...
Hire Faster and Smarter With Video Interviews
If you’ve ever searched for top talent for your company, you’ll already know that it can become a tedious task. Countless resumes to go through, time consuming phone screens and interviews… there just aren’t enough hours in the day! You might find it useful to incorporate video interviewing into your recruiting process to save your company time and money.
Tips On Avoiding Staffing Fails
If you are running staffing for a manufacturer, you know it has to be as streamlined as the assembly lines on the plant floor. You can’t afford to have positions left unfilled or have the wrong...
Passion Projects: How To Ignite Career Passion In Your Employees
Many light manufacturing and other entry-level industrial jobs start with lower wages and may not have the best benefits - so what can you do to keep employees in your company? In Jobvite’s 2017 Job...
Ways to Prevent Forklift Accidents
Forklifts only account for one percent of all factory related injuries, but nearly 100,000 workers are involved in a forklift accident per year. Approximately 35,000 of these accidents result in serious injuries. According to OSHA, 70 percent of all forklift incidents in the United States could be avoided with proper safety training and policy. What can you do as a warehouse manager to help prevent forklift accidents?